Joyful Existence Is Experience Spiral Bound Journal
Joyful Existence Is Resistance Spiral Bound Journal
Black History Month 2025: Write with Purpose. Reflect with Intention. Rise with Strength.
To choose joy in a world that demands our suffering is defiance.
Joy isn't just a feeling—it's a declaration, a choice, a form of resistance. This journal isn't just for writing—it's for reclaiming space. The Joyful Existence is Resistance spiral-bound journal is designed for those who dare to embrace joy as an act of power.
Whether you're journaling your dreams, mapping out your next move, or simply capturing your thoughts, this slick and durable notebook is a space for intentional living. Let each page remind you: Your presence matters. Your joy is revolutionary.
42% of all profits from the signature shop collection will be donated to non-profits and grassroots organizations supporting food security, disaster relief, housing assistance, education equity, and scientific research addressing health disparities affecting women and communities of color. Every purchase is a step toward mutual aid, resilience, and a future shaped by care and action.
· 150 lined pages (75 sheets)
· 5x7 size
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