Ex Tenebris, Lux – The Torch of Transformation Round Stickers
Ex Tenebris, Lux Sticker – The Torch of Transformation Collection
Black History Month 2025: From Darkness, Light. From Struggle, Strength.
In times of uncertainty, we hold onto what endures—hope, unity, and the power of collective action. Ex Tenebris, Lux—"Out of Darkness, Light"—is more than a phrase; it is a reminder that even in the face of rising extremism, we do not retreat. We stand. We build. We illuminate the path forward.
This torch is a symbol of resilience, a marker of solidarity, and a quiet yet unwavering declaration that we are in this together. Rooted in history, carried by generations, and burning for the future, it belongs to all who believe in justice, dignity, and the promise of a better world.
Wear the torch. Carry the light forward.
💡 Giving Back with Purpose:
42% of all profits from this collection will be donated to non-profits and grassroots organizations supporting food security, disaster relief, housing assistance, education equity, and scientific research addressing health disparities affecting women and communities of color. Every purchase is a step toward mutual aid, resilience, and a future shaped by care and action.
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